Monday, January 11, 2016


Diversity in the types of accommodation available at Amamoma.

Hold on! Before you go on reading, just try googling “Amamoma UCC”. What do you get in the search results? First news article which shows up is that of a UCC student calling for protection. Indeed, the Diaspora has never been safe for students and the situation does not look to change anytime soon. Week after week, we keep hearing reports about Laptops and Phones stolen at gun and knife points, students being beaten up by robbers, and even coordinated attacks on hostels. Amamoma, which is home to more than 40% of the student populace in the diaspora records the most cases of theft and robbery. The thieves and robbers won’t go away, but how can you protect yourself?

1.    Don’t Sleep at night with your lights on.

Thieves and robbers need to see too. Keeping your lights on will just help them to conduct a quick survey of your room. Depending on how ready they are, they could strike that night or even come another day. The most important thing is this: Don’t let them have an idea of what’s inside your room”. Make it a habit to always put off your lights before you sleep, and when there is power outage, make sure your light switch is always off.

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