Sunday, January 10, 2016


Scenario 1#
Ama is a third year student. She is the party type of girl. More of the MTN type. Everywhere she is there. Party! Party! Party! Unless she does not hear of it. She also flirts around with lecturers. Though she sometimes messes around with lecturers, she also has a very strict timetable which makes her learn for two hours every day at the library. She manages to do well in quizzes. It’s time for exams. She just does some quick revision and writes the exams. She comes out successful. Her friends are wondering if she used the "backdoor" to make those grades but only she knows how she got them. She has a second class upper. To her, life is about planning and using every possible way to reach your goals. You must stick to your plans!

Scenario 2#
Kwesi is a finalist. He has been one of the holiest ministers on campus since his first year. Unfortunately he has a third class. He is always on the field praying to God for excellent grades, preaching in the shuttle, going for visitation, attending choir rehearsals, everything "churchy" he is there. He has such a tight schedule that he leaves his room latest at 6am and gets back to his room earliest at 11pm every day. He has no timetable. He only learns when there is a quiz. He believes serving God will give him the grades he wants. That is true. Exams time... He is still on the field praying to receive exams questions in a vision. Results are released, worse than the old story. He will be graduating with a pass. Sad news right? But he wants to be a pastor. No one needs a class to become a pastor. God can use anyone at all. He does not care...

Scenario 3#
Kofi. His friends think he is a womanizer because he is a fine boy. Well-built because he visits the gym every morning, he is from a wealthy family. He changes his wardrobe often. He has a very big social life. He is friends with everybody. From lecturers to food vendors, he is popular. He is roommates with Kwesi who sometimes drags him to the field to pray. His girlfriend is Ama who sometimes drags him to the library. He graduates with a second class lower. His parents feel he could have done better but his good social life earned him some connection at a mining company. After service, he gets employed. Because he had not much of a bad class, he takes a study leave to do his Masters'. He is schooling and still takes his monthly salary.

Scenario 4#
Abena. She comes from a very poor home. She does not have to disappoint. Right from day one, she has made the library her second room. She has no friends. Even her mates do not know that she exists. She is either at the library or on the field praying. No social life. "Antiso" at its best. She graduates with a first class. She is sent to do her service at Jomoro Basic School, Nzema Area. She finishes with it, goes back home and looks for job slots. She has no links anywhere. God being so good gives her many interview opportunities. She roams around for about six months before finally securing a job as a guest house's assistant manageress. Her pay is not that much but she can manage till she gets better. Her parents hope she gets better. They are with her in prayers.

Scenario 5#
Paa is a nice guy. He has a normal social life unlike Kofi. No plenty friends. In his corner but has people he can fall upon in times of need and people can rely on him in times of difficulties too. He is in third year reading Economics and Math’s. He comes from a very Christian home but he has serious issues with religion. Consequently, he does not go to church often neither does he pray often. He is always online questioning and doubting God's existence. This keeps him busy for nothing as he gets no time to learn. He only prays in times of difficulties. Its exams time, he starts following his friends to the field in an attempt to seek God's favour. After exams, though he knows he did not really perform, he keeps on bugging God for a first class. He is now always on the field. Exams has turned him into a good Christian. Should God mind him?

Scenario 6#
Final Scenario. Akwesi. His friends call him the shark because he is always seen with a book. He is always at the library. He spends about 5 hours every night at the library. He starts by reading the beginning of his notes. After 15mins, he takes his phone and stumbles on some group chat which he follows keenly. Afterwards he lands on Facebook, he then proceeds to Instagram. Then he realizes he has not read the news today. So he proceeds to" my joy online". After reading the news, he sees something of interest. He clicks on the links and follows up. All this online roaming goes on for about 2 hours. Afterwards he gets back to WhatsApp. Chats with friends at home. Gets tired, puts his earpiece in his ears and listens to some music which soothes his soul. He falls asleep. He wakes up two and half hours later. Picks up his books and leaves the library. That is his routine. Graduation comes. Everybody thinks he will be the overall best. He goes home with a third class. Everybody is shocked apart from him. He tells them: God knows best...

PS. This is fiction. Nothing here is real. Just a compilation of scenarios. Now choose where you want to be. Which one describes you?

Kevy Gilles, 
Your Brother in the hustle,
Copyright ©2015 KevyGilles

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