Monday, January 11, 2016

Audio: Charlotte Osei: 275 professionals to collate 2016 election results -

Chairperson of the Electoral Commission Charlotte Osei says the commission will recruit 275 non-partisan professionals to collate results in the 2016 general elections in November.

Names of selected professionals will be published at the district offices for public screening to determine their non-partisanship after the Electoral commission has done its own internal screening to determine same.
She said the Commssion has received letters from the Ghana Bar Association and Chartered Accountants expressing interest in participating in the process.
“This is going to be voluntary work…for God and country” she said on the 2016 edition of news analysis program, Newsfile on Multi TV and Joy FM Saturday.
The new introduction is part of reforms contained in recommendations written by some Supreme Court Justices after the 2012 presidential elections landed in court. The court said " the caliber of the presiding officers must be greatly raised".
The inclusion of professionals on D-Day of the elections also follows the Nigerian example where academia played in key role in ensuring the process was free and fair.
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