Monday, January 11, 2016


Valentine's Day is coming at the end of the week and the hype has been on since the beginning of
Feb. Everyone has their own opinion about Valentines Day. The shops have been displaying
what you should be buying for that special someone and even TV programs and adverts have
all been talking about Love.
I cant tell you not to buy into that whole ValentineLove" theme. But I can share with you
how to make it more meaningful for that special person in your life. And if you are single  it's not the end of the world; you too can treat yourself to some delicious chocolates and show yourself some love(i used to do that, don't worry you'll find someone)
Valentine's Day is a day of showing and spreading love and I don't believe that it should
be limited to just boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses orfriends with benefits' (you know what i mean right?). I think it's a day for everyone to enjoy and to be made to feel special.
A friend of mine recently told me what she and her former boyfriend did on their previous
Valentine's Day, and I found it so special that I just had to share it with you. I had asked her
what she thought of the day, and if she bought into the whole idea that you have to buy either
chocolates, perfumes, teddy bears, champagne, or flowers for that special person, and if that was
what made her happiest on that day.
But she said No.
To her, Valentine's Day should be more than just teddy bears and red roses, the gift should be
more thoughtful as that would make her appreciate it more. She began telling me how one
Valentines Day she decided to make her then-boyfriend a picture frame. She took the very first
picture that they had ever taken together and placed it in the frame.
It felt more special because I had actually taken the time to make it and not just got one from the
shop. It felt more meaningful to both of us, she had said.
And that is what I think Valentine should be about; the deeper meaning behind the gift.
Now I'm sure not everyone has the time to make picture frames or home-made cards. But the gifts
that you chose to buy in the store should have more meaning to the other person as it makes
them feel even more special.
And remember, be true to yourself.
Share your ideas with us, what are your plans for Valentines Day?

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